Mounting the PI/GMC outside
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Author:  hey [ Sat Jan 11, 2014 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Mounting the PI/GMC outside

Thanks for the reply. I guess I'm looking for some general guidlines here. Did you choose the bird feeder because it's not completely sealed? Is air flow around the unit important? At first glance, I would say I could just get a plastic electrical enclosure, like a pvc junction box. But maybe it needs air flow, or maybe it's important to minimize the thickness of the enclosure walls.
At the beginning, a year ago. The goal was to get the units outside and see how long they last. The bird feeder was the answer, air flow and humility and temperature was the tests. It pass high humility during the summer months in the greenhouse in Arkansas, it passed temperature of over 100 degrees. It passed rain and freezing water on top of the bird feeder. The air flow help in both cases. I strongly do not want you to put either units in plastic bags, the inside water buildup will kill the units.
I watched the Mr. Wizard video and it seems to me that we're just not going to be reading much in the way of alpha particles. And Gamma doesn't get knocked out by much of anything, so you could basically keep the unit inside for that. So it boils down to Beta, right? It looks like for Beta you want to put as little material around the unit as possible. They didn't show the difference when plastic is placed between the radiation source and the Geiger counter.
No, the unit needs to be outside on an air filter to get results like the EPA, not in CPM (EPA is in gamma range) but in sensitivity. The EPA uses filters to trap the radioactive material and then their unit reads the beta and gamma ranges. You will be able to do some of the same with CPM. which is total radioactive material hitting the air filter and being read by the GMC-xxx.
You mention the location of the Geiger tube. Is it directional? Does the radiation have to come from one direction, or along a particular axis?
I use this information when I check for radiation on dishes at antique stores, the closer the Geiger tube to the radiation, the better the readings.
Is there some article on this subject I missed? I would be happy to read up on it rather than drive you nuts with questions. I just want to try and set this up right and not have the little woman after me about the rats nest of wires and do-dads hanging off the side of the house.
I sent you the two pictures of my installation and there are others on the forum. Right now it is Trail by Fire.

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