Question about how works.
I am not sure which side of the unit should face outward if it makes any difference in detection and does this install look like a good workable one to you?
The Geiger tube is on the bottom of the unit, in most cases it does not matter.
Readings are averaging around 20 CPM so I'm assuming that is a safe normal background type reading as I live remote from the cities as you can see on your big map.
It takes three month to get a reliable NORM background radiation level, so guesses the best level base on the data it has collected.
I understand the RADCON 1 through 5 levels are a relative reading to what the average reading is. My question is since I am at RADCON-1 with about a 20 CPM average reading, what would constitute a RADCON-2, 3, 4 and 5 reading deviation from that normal RADCON-1 reading?
Radcon levels 2,3,4 are set levels within the three months of data and shows the direction that the NORM background radiation is moving. The more times you see Radcon 2.3.4 the higher the NORM background radiation will be when it recalculates the NORM level, which is done every night. If the station stays at RADCON-1, then the radiation NORM background radiation level is stable or dropping like in Japan, where most of the stations are green. RADCON-5 Alert level is above the three months of data and has many other factors to calculate before issuing an Alert email message.
Included is my PI-Gmc-300 on an air filter where the fan collects the radioactive particles and the Geiger counter can pick up the radiation. This is a poor mans EPA radiation stations and works great. The air filter is from Holmes and is $15 from Walmart.