Zeolites Are Useful For Removing Radiation From The Body
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Author:  KingCobra [ Wed May 04, 2016 9:53 am ]
Post subject:  Zeolites Are Useful For Removing Radiation From The Body

For years, zeolites have been used to detox animal waste, and even deodorize litter boxes, and as a water softener to remove calcium. They are also used in hydrogenating vegetable oils. Moreover, recent uses of liquid zeolite to detox heavy metals from the body have been shown to alleviate Candida Albicans, to help alkalize the body and to reduce viruses, bacteria and other pathogens from the system making it an effective immune system booster.

Using zeolites to clean up radioactive compounds is not new. At the Hanford Nuclear Facility in Richland, Washington, radioactive strontium-90 (Sr 90 ) and cesium-137 (Cs 137 ) have been removed from radioactive waste solutions by passing them through tanks packed with the natural zeolite clinoptilolite. Zeolites have also been used to clean radioactive wastes from the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant site and elsewhere.


Author:  KingCobra [ Wed May 04, 2016 10:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Zeolites Are Useful For Removing Radiation From The Body

I have never personally used any type of zeolites that I know of in my body.

I am changing the type of HEPA filter I'm going to use in my outside radiation monitoring station. This different type of filter actually says it uses Zeolite in it. I'm interested if (or how much) this will improve my detection of radiation. I will install this new type of HEPA filter for the first time in my outside radiation monitoring station on or around the 16th of May 2016. Please follow my station update thread for more details.

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Author:  Sunshine [ Thu Sep 26, 2019 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zeolites Are Useful For Removing Radiation From The Body

I have been using zeolites ( clinoptilolite type for humans) for detox-- the powder in the intestinal tract absorbs heavy metals, reduces parasites- You must stay hydrated - drink lots of water to pull the metals out of your body. Mix a tablespoon in a glass of water on an empty stomach ( works like bentonite clay or activated charcoal) One reference site is for details - can be purchases on Amazon-- another good site reference is They have a spray Coseva brand spray to take under tongue, easy to travel with and this spray supposedly pulls heavy metals out of the brain.

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