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 10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know Were Radioactive 
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Joined: Mon Jan 28, 2013 7:40 pm
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Wed Jan 29, 2014 9:27 am

Joined: Sun Mar 30, 2014 12:13 pm
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Things that go CLICK CLICK CLICK.

My (older) Coleman camping lantern (with mantles). 8,000-10,000 CPM on a pancake probe detector, 4100CPM on a standard Geiger tube.

Aladdin kerosene lamp (with mantle-thorium), 4000cpm on standard Geiger tube, (double it for pancake probe)

35mm CAMERA lens (Thorium type),, can be over 20,000 CPM's !!!!

Petroleum, crude oil !!! Yep, if it comes from the deep earth, (like granite), it's a "clicker".
That includes gasoline, diesel fuel, coal, motor oil, etc.

Got WELL WATER? It can have dissolved RADON in it.

Got a friend, family member, neighbor, etc. who's getting "treated" for cancer, etc? They can set off airport security detectors for several days! Their URINE and "poop" can be clicking in the toilet / septic tank.

Some products made from recycled steel scrap, gold, glass, etc etc.. are sometimes made from old, nuclear scrap. Best to check everything these days,, you never know when contaminated metals were found and recycled.

Imagine recycling scrap metal from ANY of the old, nuclear testing sites? Aluminum, copper, brass, steel, etc. Even copper wire from contaminated buildings.

It's OUT there. Plenty of contaminated ships, tanks, etc, from all the Pacific bomb testing sites.

Plenty of contamination from Three Mile Island they never talk about,, Chernobyl blew it's junk, all the way to Sweden. There are contaminated sites all over America, and scrappers in every town.

Old, bankrupt, abandoned clinics & hospitals? Yep,, lots of "clickety clicks" in some of those places.

Russia has refused importation of some Japanese CARS because they are contaminated.

Just think of how many Toyotas, Hondas, Nissans, etc,, come to our country,, certified as safe,, but NEVER tested? Unbelievable.

Everything you buy, in EVERY store,, MUST be checked. Food, plastics, metals, eletronics, shoes, cosmetics, etc. (since almost everything comes from Asia,, or is grown in California,, or is CAUGHT in the waters near Alaska, you cannot TRUST ANYTHING. NOT even COFFEE can be trusted.)

A LOT of coffee is grown in Hawaii !!! (guess who's been getting radiation ever since the Pacific bombing tests began? Yes,, Hawaii has a LOT of birth defects (due to radiation for more than 50 years, and getting a LOT worse now since Fukushima.)

More coffee is grown, on the mountains of Central America, & South AMerica. (Guess where some of the radioactive RAIN hitting those coffee plantations came from? Yes, the PACIFIC-FUKUSHIMA OCEAN. From Japan to California,, it's ALL "Pacific".)

I take my pocket detector (GMC320 , $160), with me on all my shopping trips,, I check FOODS,, I check CAR PARTS, I check FABRICS, plastics, etc.

When I buy GARDEN SOIL (Miracle grow, etc), I check those bags.. you never know where they dug that dirt from. Did they get that dirt down wind from Hanford? From WIPP? From the California-Fukushima coastline?

And for heaven's sake,, DON'T dare to eat anymore seaweed / kelp, etc. Those things are radiation SPONGES.

Fri Apr 18, 2014 11:46 am
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